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My Pet Trainer -  

It�s true, you can prevent problems before they start!

It�s always easier to prevent a habit from forming than it is to change a habit that�s become deep-seated.

When you start training your puppy right away, you put yourself on the �prevent a habit from forming� path. Most of the behaviors we call �bad� are actually behaviors that are natural to your puppy. In other words, these �bad� behaviors are life skill behaviors if she was living in the wild. Nature doesn�t understand the difference between a feral (undomesticated) dog versus a companion (domesticated) dog born to live with us in our homes. Both domesticated and undomesticated dogs are born with the same behaviors, and we call these behaviors �bad� when used in our homes with our friends and family. We call them �bad� but they are normal, and the older the pup becomes the more these normal behaviors become deep-seated behaviors. When that happens you not only have to teach a new behavior, but you also have to undo a behavior that is already a learned and comfortable habit.

Prevent the habit from forming by using our positive reinforcement tips and techniques, and you�ll be making life a lot easier for you and your pup! The great thing about positive reinforcement training is that it doesn�t use any tools or techniques of fear, force or intimidation. Those tools and techniques can hurt your pup both physically and psychologically, causing fear so intense that new training can�t even be learned! Today�s positive reinforcement techniques are so humane and safe that training can be started with a puppy as young as three weeks of age. Start teaching your pup sooner than later, and you�ll be embedding the behaviors that you want!

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