Welcome to Day Twenty‑One!
It can't be stressed enough how important socialization is in your puppy's first 16 weeks. Yet, people have excuses, rationalizations and justifications why they don't socialize their puppy. Do you have one? We've got the top four in today's Perfect Puppy, "Socialize Don't Rationalize!"
We've completed two of a three‑part series on teaching your puppy to stay. In today's Training For Success column we have the final article on teaching this very important behavior, "Stay – Part 3." Even though you need to leave her sight, this article will teach you the details on how to successfully teach her to remain in a stay.
Adding to yesterday's socialization article on teaching your puppy to remain calm around bicycles, today we talk about, "Skateboards, Roller Blades & Mopeds." All of these are likely to be buzzing up and down your street, so before your puppy goes crazy when she sees this motion, teach her how to remain calm!
Already 21 days of ideas, lessons and instructions have been shared! In today's Understanding Your Puppy column, we remind you of some of the highlights of these articles in, "21 Days of Guidelines."
Part two of, "Your Puppy's Body Talk" is today's Kids & Puppies. We talk about the next four "calming signals" and how to recognize them. Your puppy isn't licking her lips because she needs lip gloss! She's licking her lips because she's getting stressed about something! You've learned how to recognize some simple communications your puppy uses with her ears, eyes, fur, tail and mouth!
Please enjoy your Day Twenty‑One newsletter. We now move to a weekly newsletter. You will receive the Week Four newsletter next week, and once each week for a total of 15 months of articles and our support.
Together in success,
The staff of MyPetTrainer.com