Welcome to Week Thirty-Three!
There is one step that invariably gets left out of successful potty training. It's the five-minutes-out-ten-minutes-in rule. Read more in this week's Understanding My Pet, "Always Remember This Step With Potty Training" and it will stop your dog from coming inside your home and having an accident.
Do your eyes water and itch when Fido is around? Or your children start to wheeze and sneeze when Fifi is nearby? Someone has pet allergies! There are some steps you can take to help minimize your allergies to your pup! You'll learn more about these ideas in this week's Perfect Pet column, "Are You Allergic to Your Dog?"
The next time your child is doing her homework in her room and needs to shut out the noise from the television, no need for her to close her door because your dog can do it for her! Learn this handy trick in this week's Kids & Pets, "Teach Your Dog to Close a Door" and soon your dog will be closing all the doors for you!
Did you ever start working with the handling exercises we showed you in the Day 4 column of Understanding Your Puppy? If you've let that go, it may be more challenging now, but it's not only not too late it's vital that you start these exercises with your dog today! Did you start them when she was 8 weeks old, but have dropped doing them? Start them again today! Learn more on "The Importance of "Handling" Exercises" in this week's Training For Success column.
The staff of the MyPetTrainer.com and LostMyPet.com community is here to support you! We hope you enjoy this Week Thirty-Three issue of MyPetTrainer.com.
Together in success,
The staff of MyPetTrainer.com