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Welcome to Week 55!

Author: Staff

Welcome to Week 55!

Did you know that there is an in-depth and extensive website library with hundreds of dog training and behavior articles at Visit the library and take a look at the vast array of subjects we've covered to help you and your dog stay on the path of success!

You've taught your dog something new. Great! You've practiced it now for three days. Awesome! So how come your dog isn't automatically doing it? Do you know how long it takes for a new behavior to become a habit? The answer might surprise you! Learn more in this week's Training For Success column, "How Long Does it Take Before Learning Becomes a Habit."

Long, short or no tail at all; dogs watch another dog's tail as a way to understand communication. Is the tail up, straight out, tucked under, wagging briskly, slowly or stiff, or an all-out body wag? All of these mean something to how your dog communicates and how your dog understands another dog. Does tail length matter? And why? Learn why in this week's Understanding Your Pet, "When it Comes to Tails, Does Length Matter?"

Do you find your dog in the lawn grabbing mouthfuls of grass … only to vomit a few minutes later? Or sometimes nibbling at little bits of the grass like she's eating salad greens? How about weeds? There are some weeds that not only your dog enjoys, but are also good for her; herbally, speaking. Why does your dog pick a plant? Find out in this week's Perfect Pet column, "Does Your Dog Eat Grass?"

We're going to take a short break from the Kids & Pets column, but will return in the near future with more tips on good manners, tricks and activities you can do with your dog. Now is the time to start your Dog Training Vision Board. As we go off to write more for the Kids & Pets column remember to, "Keep on Clicking." See you real soon! and want you to have a happy relationship with your dog! We hope you enjoy your Week Fifty-Fiveissue of

Together in success,
The staff of

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How Long Does it Take Before Learning Becomes a Habit
When it Comes to Tails, Does Length Matter?
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